Get Surinam (Pipa Pipa) Toad PNG. Surinam toads swim in a series of circular loops, from the bottom to the top of the aquarium, when in amplexus, and will rarely be successful in fertilizing the eggs unless provided with a tank of at least 48 inches in depth. Surinam toad, (pipa pipa), aquatic south american toad (family pipidae) in which the eggs are incubated on the back of the female.
The myers' surinam toad (pipa myersi) has a similar reproductive method to its pipa pipa relative.
Captive breeding of surinam toad is not common. They have a strange reproduction where the female lays her eggs onto the males back. Incubates its young in pits in the skin of its back. The surinam toad is about 10 to 17 cm (4 to 7 inches) long.