View Dry Peepal Leaf Painting Pics. This artwork is one of the oldest forms of art, and only a few people around the world are left that create this form of art. I find the peepal leaf medium very different and interesting.
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About 0% of these are decorative flowers & wreaths, 0% are resin crafts, and 0% are metal crafts. I find the peepal leaf medium very different and interesting. Peepal tree leaves contain glucose, asteriod and mennos, phenolic while its bark is rich in vitamin k, tainen make a powder of dry fruits of peepal and take it with two to three grams of water for 14 days, twice a eat the soft leaves of peepal and the problem of itching and other skin diseases are cured. This artwork is one of the oldest forms of art, and only a few people around the world are left that create this form of art.